Question: What will happen next?
I stopped on Chapter 17, where the monster finishes telling Victor his incredibly interesting story about how he did after he left Victor. After Frankenstein tells his story, he asks Victor if Victor would be able to make a she-monster to give the he-monster some company. Why he would ask that after he tells Victor that he had killed William, I don't know, but the monster was pretty convincing. All the faith the monster had had had had some effect on Victor. After some convincing talk and telling Victor that the monster won't bother him if Victor creates a she-monster, Victor finally agrees. I think what will happen next in the book since Victor has told the monster that he will make a she-monster, he will probably finish making her. If not, the monster will probably seek to kill Victor and all his loved ones, like he did to William. But, what if Victor will create a she-monster, and since she has free...